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Our Insights
3 min read
LMS: What is it really?
An LMS is a very commonly used system for delivering packaged training content for various organizations.
3 min read
How Your Company's Brand Improves Employee Retention
What if this information could be presented in a way that proves all the necessary information, also providing insights about your company?
2 min read
Online vs Classroom Learning
As we observe organizations moving to a more “self-service” style of training and development, there are a number of considerations..
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Lifestyles of the Quick and Easy
Are you like me.. working 3 jobs while attempting to maintain a social life and a healthy and active lifestyle?
3 min read
ROI on Training
It can be pretty tricky to determine the return on investment (ROI) of training.
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Learning, Education, Training.. Different or Similar?
Are learning, education and training just buzzwords used in seminars, or workshops? Do they have differences?
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Value Adding Orientation and Training: New Hospital (Pt. 2)
Moving to a new facility can be a difficult time for staff.
3 min read
Compliance Training Before Hands-On Training
I was recently working with a client planning to completely overhaul their training program from start to finish.
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Value Adding Orientation and Training: New Hospital (Pt. 2)
For most hospital department leaders the opportunity to be part of a new facility transition is an exciting, once in a career event.
2 min read
What Do Employees Want?
Everyone wants to do a good job.
3 min read
5 Benefits of Microlearning
A newer trend emerging in the eLearning market is called “microlearning”.
3 min read
How Employee Portals Add Value
Shared drives, binders, old emailed documents, papers, pamphlets, forms, booklets, and requests from colleagues… (Take a breath)
2 min read
Don't Let New Hires Fend for Themselves
Studies suggest that approximately 60% of staff chose whether they will stay or leave an organization during the first month of employment.
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Win the War on Talent
Hiring the right people is critical for your company.
3 min read
Are You Keeping Us With the Times?
I’ve used insights from clients on why they want to move out of the class and onto the computer to outline the benefits of online training.
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Build, Train, Certify and Evaluate
In today’s fast-paced world it is becoming clear that ongoing training is needed to keep skills and knowledge current.
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Continuous Development is the Key to Success
Earlier in my career, I spent a large portion of my time managing the organization’s performance appraisal process.
3 min read
Tips to Better Retention
Take a moment, and ask yourself, who are your top two employees? Now, imagine they both decide to quit one day.
2 min read
What Your Employee Training is Missing
The market expands and changes, and like everything else.. it evolves.
3 min read
5 Strategies for Your Applicant Hiring Process
Business success is clearly linked to the work of employees, it’s no wonder they’re regarded as an organization's most important asset.
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